The Importance of Recitals

Why recitals? The opportunity to perform in front of an audience (whether live or virtual) is extremely beneficial to the learning process. A recital is one of the the best ways to get an honest assessment of how a student is progressing. Week to week it can be difficult to see improvement, but over several a months or twice a year it’s easier to see the progress made. Recitals also are big self confidence builders. Learning how to set a goal and achieving that goal is wonderful for self esteem. Playing in front of an audience can also help students understand the importance of preparing and practicing for a performance. This can help them learn how to prepare for the ‘real world’ later on. Recitals are also a fantastic way to learn how to keep going even if there is a mistake made. To learn how to keep going no matter is a wonderful skill set to develop. Not to mention the fact that performing for friends and family is just plain fun ? well…. For most…. Happy Recital-ing!

~Mary Bellah