Here are a few tips for performing!! 

1. Don’t Procrastinate! Practice and memorize your song well ahead in advance. Nothing worse then trying to cram a song into memory in just a few days!
2. Learn the theory behind your song. This will help memorization as well as how to perform it. It allows you to understand the song beyond just the notes. For example, if you know the song is in ABA form this will allow you to memorize in parts easier.
3. Don’t bite off more then you can chew. Be realistic with your goals. Assess how long you have before performance and how much time you can practice before picking a song. It’s better to play something shorter and simpler well then play huge work and make a ton of mistakes.
4. Practice in front of people. Get used to the way it feels to perform with an audience. Recruit friends and family and do mini recitals for them.
5. Practice at 110% speed. Practicing your song faster and still being able to be accurate will help you be able to feel in control of your song when you perform it. Remember to always start it slower then you think it should play it the actual day of the performance! Nerves will make you perform faster naturally.
6. Warmup, but don’t overdo it! Have a warmup routine in place, but don’t over practice the day of recital or performance. Your work should have been done in the months and weeks before performance. Use your warmup to just get the blood flowing and your mind ready to perform.
7. Have Fun! Remember to enjoy yourself and have fun playing your song!