Mental Health Benefits of Music

Music is amazing!! It can help perk your spirits as well as mend a broken heart. For centuries, music has played an important role when it comes to our ability to cope through lifeโ€™s greatest highs and lows. Itโ€™s fairly recently though that research has suggested music can help combat depression, stress and anxiety along with a host of other mental health issues.

Itโ€™s been proven that music with a tempo of 60 beats per minute can increase the brainโ€™s ability to process information.

Music also stimulates humans to increase feel-good hormones which in turn lowers stress and anxiety and can be a mood booster. Listening to ambient music can also assist in anxiety and low-confidence. Using alpha waves from 8-14 Hz help the mind get into a more sharpened and confident state of mind.

So whether you want to get out your instrument and play songs you know, learn new songs, write a tune, listen to the radio to your favorite artist or even start humming while you work know that you are doing yourself and your mental state a favor! MUSIC IS AMAZING! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽถ

~Mary Bellah